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Krypton is a generic framework which has been specifically designed to cater to needs of any client who seeks a low cost end-to-end test automation solution for powerful tools that may be used for free on a trial basis. Krypton is designed in such a manner that the testers do not need to possess any scripting background at all to automate complex testing scenarios. Everything is already built-in and can be configured easily.

Primary characteristics of Krypton:
  1. Should support multiple web browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome etc.
  2. Should incorporate the 4Rs: Repeat-ability, reliability, re-use and robustness.
  3. Should be a user-friendly solution
Krypton is composed of the following components:
  1. Test Engine: is the brain of the framework which will handle all other components
  2. Test Driver: will drive automation tools like Selenium integrated with Krypton framework
  3. Reporting Engine:will generate reports/log files for automation execution and email notifications.
  4. Test Manager:will be responsible to retrieve data from different test management source systems (E.g. File System).

Supported Platforms

1. Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows (XP, Vista, Win 7 , Win 8.1 & Win10)

2. Supported Browsers

  • Google Chrome 30 or later
    chromedriver.exe is already included in setup. After installation, It will be in outputĀ folder.

    • Internet Explorer 10.0 or later
    • Mozilla Firefox 19.0 or later (upto 40.0.3)

How to Install Krypton Setup

Enough of background study? Letā€™s get started with the product:

Here you will be acquainted with how to quickly configure and run your test cases. Some sample test cases are provided along for easier derstanding with installation package. Everything is pre-configured for the sample test cases.

Let’s Start

Ensure all pre-requisites, download Krypton & run setup file and follow steps.


Click on ‘Next’


Click on ‘Next’


Wait while installation completes. Then the ā€˜Confirm Installationā€™ shows up.


Click on ‘Next’


And the installation is complete.


By default Krypton will be installed under C drive.

Sample Test cases and its Object Repository is already provided under TestCases and Object_Repository folder respectively under Krypton folder.

Run the executable file for execution of sample test cases

After execution results will be uploaded at Results folder under respective Project folder.

Start with writing new Test Cases and configure the setting for execution

Create new Test case spreadsheet same format as of SampleTest case under TestCases folder. Write reusable test case in Action_sheet.xlsx file if any in same format placed under TestCases folder.

Identify the objects and create new objects in Obj_Repository.xlsx file in same format placed at Object_Repository folder.


Mention test case id and Configure parameters.ini file accordingly and run Krypton.exe


The project folder gets created outside the Krypton folder with name specified in root.ini file.


The Krypton folder and its inside looks like this.


Testing Process

Testing with KRYPTON involves 4 main stages:

Creating Tests

  1. Now write your test cases in a Excel sheet.
  2. Prepare Object repository in a Excel sheet (Obj_Repository.xlsx).

Configuring Test:

After writing your test cases and preparing object repository you need to configure your test cases. For configuration follow the steps given:

  1. Go to the installation folder of KRYPTON and search for the ā€œparameters.iniā€ file.
  2. Open the file and change following parameters according to your Test:
    • LogDestinationFolder
    • TestCaseId
    • TestSuite

Running Test:

After configuring you can run your test by just running KRYPTON.exe file or double clicking KRYPTON shortcut on your desktop. You can also set parameters by sending them through command line. E.g. C:>KRYPTON.exe testcaseid=abc.tc01

Analyzing Test Results:

After test execution completed reports are generated in the Results folder. Reports are generated in two forms

  1. Zip form: All HTML reports are zipped in a file. User can use these reports by unzipping the zipped file.
  2. Unzip form: All HTML reports are placed in Results folder by the KRYPTON Reporting Engine


Krypton Keyword are words used in TestCases for specific operations. All Keywords used by Krypton are given below.

1. openbrowser Opens the browser. Without using ‘Test Data’, it redirects to a blank browser. However, with ‘Test Data’, it redirects to the URL specified in ‘Data Column’ Test Data :- URL (optional)
2. clearbrowsercache Clear Browser cache
3. closebrowser Closes running Browser.
4. closeallbrowsers Closes all the running Browsers.
5. refreshbrowser Refresh the Browser.
Navigational Keywords
1. navigateurl Navigate to a particular URL specified in ‘Data Column’. URL as Data
2. goforward Navigate to the next Page.
3. goback Navigate to the previous Page.
Web Form Operations
1. clear Clear the text already present in a text Box. Need Parent Need Test Object
2. enterdata Enters Text in the Text Box. The text to be entered is given in the ‘Dataā€™ Column Need Parent Need Test Object Text to be entered
3. enteruniquedata Generates and enters Unique Data in the given Object. The length of the Unique Data to be generated is given in ā€˜Dataā€™ Column Need Parent Need Test Object Length of Data to be generate
4. click Click on a specific Object. Need Parent Need Test Object
5. check Check the CheckBox. Need Parent Need Test Object
6. uncheck Uncheck the CheckBox. Need Parent Need Test Object
7. selectitem Select a specific option from a List. The Object is the locator of the list. The Option to be selected is given in ‘Data Column’. Need Parent Need Test Object Text of the item to be select in dropdown
8. selectmultipleitems Select multiple item in multiple selection box Need Parent Need Test Object Text of the items to be select separated by comma
9. selectitembyindex Select a specific option from a List. The Object is the locator of the list. The Index of the Option to be selected is given in ‘Data Column’. Need Parent Need Test Object Index number of Item to be select
Wait Keywords
1. wait Pauseā€™s the execution for a static time which is mentioned in ‘Data Column’. Time should be in seconds
2. waitforobject Waits for particular Object to Appear. Need Parent Need Test Object Time out in second(optional)
3. waitforobjectnotpresent Waits for a particular Object to Disappear. Need Parent Need Test Object Time out in second(optional)
4. waitforproperty Waits for Property to appear. The property to wait for and the timeout is given in the ‘Data Column’. Unit of timeout is seconds. Syntax — property | timeout Need Parent Need Test Object property | timeout in second
Alert Handling
1. acceptalert Accepts the Alerts.(Applicable for browser Alerts)
2. dismissalert Cancels the Alerts.(Applicable for browser Alert)
3. verifyalerttext Verify text of the alert. The text to be verified is given in the ‘Data Column’. Text to be verify
Verify Keywords
1. verifytextcontained Verify that specified text is present on current test object. The text to be verified is given in the ‘Data Column’. If the object is not found in ‘Object Repository’, it verifies the text (given in data column) present on the entire page. Need Parent Need Test Object Text to be verify
2. verifytextnotcontained Verify that specified text is not present on current test object. The specified text is given in the ‘Data Column’. Need Parent Need Test Object Text that verify as not present
3. verifytextonpage Verifies that the specified text is present on current web page. The text to be verified is given in the ‘Data Column’. Text to be verify
4. verifytextnotonpage Verify that specified text is not present on current web page. The text is given in the ‘Data Column’. Text that verify as not present
5. verifylistitempresent Verify that List option is present in focused List Need Parent Need Test Object Text of item present in dropdown
6. verifylistitemnotpresent Verify that List option is not present in specified List object Need Parent Need Test Object Text of item present in dropdown
7. verifyobjectpresent Verifies that the specified test object is present on current web page. Need Parent Need Test Object
8. verifyobjectnotpresent Verifies that the specified object is not present on current web page. Need Parent Need Test Object
9. verifyobjectproperty Verifies a specific property of the given Object and matches it with specified value. Syntax – PropertyName | ValueOfProperty (To be given in ‘Data Column’). Need Parent Need Test Object PropertyName | ValueOfProperty
10. verifyobjectpropertynot Verify the given property is not for Object Need Parent Need Test Object PropertyName | Value Of Property that is not present
11. verifypageproperty Verify page url \ title url or title
12. verifytextinpagesource Reads the html of the page, and searches for the specified ‘text’. The text is given in ‘Data Column’. Text to be verify in page source
13. verifytextnotinpagesource Verify the Given Text is not present in page source. The text is given in ‘Data Column’. Text that verify as not present in page source
14. verifypagedisplayed Verify that current web page is display properly Need Parent Need Test Object
15. verifyobjectdisplayed Verifies if the object is being displayed or not on current web page
Database Operations
1. executedatabasequery Execute a database query against specified database server and environment. The query is given in ‘Data Coloum’ or in SQL folder. Need sql Query
2. getdatafromdatabase Get all the record from database using specified query Need sql Query
3. getuserfortesting Get all the record from database using specified query but if no record found then test will terminate instantly Need sql Query
XML Operations
1. findxmlattribute To find an attribute in XML attribute name
2. verifyxmlattribute verify the Xml attribute is present attribute name
3. countxmlnodes Used to Find the Count of Given Xml Node XML node
4. verifyxmlnodecount Used to verify the Count of Given Xml Node XML node | count
Events and Actions
1. mousemove To focus and move the cursor to a specified Object. Need Parent Need Test Object
2. mouseclick To click on a Specific Object. Need Parent Need Test Object
3. mouseover To Hover the cursor on a Specific Object. Need Parent Need Test Object
4. keypress Used to press a Specific Key on a particular Object. The key to be pressed is given in ‘Data Column’. Need Parent Need Test Object Key name: e.g . ENTER
5. fireevent Used to focus on an Object and perform an event mentioned in the ‘Test Data’ Need Parent Need Test Object Test Data:- (Event name e.g. blur)
6. addaction It saves an Action in an Array in the form of list. The action is given in the ‘Data Column’. Need Parent Need Test Object e.g. click
7. performaction It executes the list of actions saved in the add action list.
1. runexceltestcase Runs a particular test case. The test case ID to be run is given in the ‘Data Column’ Test Data- (Test Case ID of the TestCase to run)
2. settestmode Similar to If Else statements. To set A/B Testing mode based on certain conditions. Need Parent Need Test Object <Mode Name> | value
3. getpageproperty Stores the page Url/Title in a given variable. The variable is given in the ‘Data Column’.( Variable to store and the url/Title (e.g url | )
4. executestatement Execute a java script Java Script
5. setvariable It sets a value to a variable <Varibale name> | value
6. setparameter Used to override the Krypton parameter at run time <Krypton parameter> | value
7. requestwebservice Execute an API Query with specified Method Api query
8. downloadfile It downloads the file to a particular location in the System and save the location in a variable ‘downloadedfile’.
9. ftpfileupload It uploads a file to ftp server Ftp server url | username | password | file path to be upload
10. generaterandomnumber It generates a Random number and assign to variable. The limit of the random number is given in the ‘Data Column’. | | VariableName
(e.g. 1 | 25 | XYZ)
11. generateuniquestring It generates the unique String and assign to variable. The length of the string to be generated is given in the ‘Data Column’. Length of string to be generated | VariableName
(e.g. 10 | UserName)
12. getobjectproperty Get value of specified property of test object and assign it to a variable. Need Parent Need Test Object <property name> | <variable name>

Execution Environment

You can set 3 Environments for Krypton.

  1. Any
  2. Production
  3. QA

Krypton have production.ini & QA.ini files in which you can set application-url, object timeout and some other parameters.
User can set Environment value in parameter.ini file.
Set Keyword : Production, QA and Any
Set Environment : QA/Production

You need to set Environment value in Test case file also. Under keyword column ( Ie: Any, QA or Production ). Only those test case will be executed which are categories as mentioned in parameteries.
If you donā€™t have any concern about environment, set it as any.
Production.ini & QA.ini files must be there. No matter they are blank.

Krypton Test Cases

Test Case sheet is a spreadsheet used to write test cases. This sheet should be in specific format to successfully run the test case. Below is the format of spreadsheet:

  1. Keyword (optional): This field specify the execution environment of the test case.
  2. Test_scenario: This field basically defines the Test scenario which one automating. For E.g.: ā€œThis Test case verifies login functionalityā€.
  3. Test_case_id: Each test case is given a unique Id. Format to define test case id is TC_TestCaseFileName.test_name (E.g. TC_SampleTest.test_case_01). TC_TestCaseFileName Ā is test-case file name.
  4. Comments: This field gives user a way to define each test step of a test case, these comments are visible in test reports and hence help users to debug the failed test case easily. For E.g.: If the test step includes entering name in the username field, one can write comment as ā€œEnter name in username fieldā€ etc.
  5. Parent: In this field user should give the name of the web page on which required object is present. User can give any name to the parent web page.
  6. Test_object: It refers to the test object (Web element) present on web page. The combination of Parent and Test_object fields are used to uniquely identify test objects on the web pages.
  7. Step_action: This field contains each step that is to be performed in a test case.
  8. Data: This field work as a data provider to the step action like when entering username, actual username that is to be entered can come from this field.
  9. Iteration: It works more like ā€œloopā€ to take different values from test data sheet. For E.g.: specifying iteration- ā€˜1-10ā€™ will take values from row number 1-10 from the test data sheet.
  10. Options: This field includes certain keywords such as: Optional {optional}, Ignore Case {ignorecase}, Partial Match {partmatch}, Ignore Space {ignorespace}, Skip/Ignore {skip}{ignore}. These keywords are optional but can be very useful in certain cases.
Test Data
The test_data sheet works as a data provider to the main test case file and should be named as ā€œTD_TestCaseFileNameā€. It includes the required input data for test case execution & column name, row # and the data which needs to be entered while execution.
Iteration: To execute a test case multiple times with different data, it would be handled by Iterations method. It can be distinguished with unique row numbers. For e.g. : if weā€™d like to enter Username as ā€˜TestABCā€™ & Password as ā€˜testā€™ then while execution in the iteration column of the test case sheet we would mention 1-1.
For e.g.: See the below sample for your reference
The Test Data sheet may include more than one sheet depending on test case requirements.
Object Repository Sheet

Object Repository spreadsheet is used to store all web objects which are used in test cases. Below is the format and brief description of spreadsheet:

  1. sl_no: It refers to Serial number.
  2. parent: In this field user should give the name of the web page on which required object is present. User can give any name to the parent web page.
  3. test_object: It refers to the test object (Web element) present on web page. The combination of Parent and Test_object fields are used to uniquely identify test objects on the web pages.
  4. logical_name: As the name suggests it contains the description of test object which helps testers to identify objects.
  5. locale: Language option in which the website under test is to be displayed. This field is optional and can be left blank.
  6. obj_type: It contains information about type of web object. E.g. list, textbox, button, link etc.
  7. how: In this section we define different methods using which web object can be found using selenium engine. For ex: xpath, css, id etc.
  8. what: It contains the value of locator.
  9. comments: This includes comments regarding the objects on a web page.
  10. mapping: This refers to mapping the logical name of the object with the internal attribute.
Reusable Test Cases
Reusable test cases are those test cases which are defined only once and can be used anywhere and any number of times. The best example of these test cases is Login test case.
For login we have to perform three steps each time i.e.
  1. Enter username.
  2. Enter password.
  3. Click on login button.
Then why we should write all these each time whenever we have to perform login action?
Answer is we donā€™t have to, if we use make login as a reusable test case.
It can be done as follows:
  1. Write Test Case within same Test Case sheet
  2. Create New Test Case file, containing all the reusable test cases.
Write Test Case within same Test Case sheet:
Create test case and use this within the sheet and whenever that test case needs to be executed just put runexceltestcase under ā€œStep_actionā€ followed by Test Case Id.
Example: For sending a message, reading emails and for more operations user need to login so we can write one single test case for login and use this test case where ever required.
Create New Test Case file:
This is similar to Test Case sheet, this sheet must be in specific format to successfully run the test cases. Format of spreadsheet is same as of Test Case sheet.
How to use this feature:
  1. Specify parameter ReusableDefaultFile value in parameter.ini file. (ie : ReusableDefaultFile: Methods.xls)
  2. Create Test case file (spreadsheet) in specific format given above.
  3. Specify sheet name (like: Login) and write test case according sheet name.
  4. Test case Id must be according to sheet name. Ex : Login.001
  5. At last specify test case to be called via another sheet under step action column.

Krypton Parameters

  1. Browser: Mention browser name on which execution is to done. (E.g. Firefox, chrome, IE)
  2. Driver: Mention driver name (E.g. Selenium)
  3. TestCaseLocation: Mention location of test-case excel sheet
  4. TestDataLocation: Mention location of test-data excel sheet
  5. TestSuiteLocation: Mention the location of test suite excel sheet
  6. TestCaseId: Mention the Test case ID to be executed
  7. TestSuite: Mention the Test suite name to be executed
  8. TestCaseFileExtension: Mention the file format of test-case file (E.g. .xlsx, .xls)
  9. ReusableDefaultFile: Mention the method (reusable) file.
  10. ReusableLocation: Mention the location of reusable excel sheet.
  11. ORLocation: Mention the path of Object Repository Excel sheet
  12. ORFileName: Mention the name of Object Repository Excel sheet
  13. RecoverFromPopupLocation: Mention location of pop-up Recovery Scenarios
  14. RecoverFromBrowserLocation: Mention location of browser Recovery Scenarios
  15. RecoverFromPopupFileName: Mention name of file which recover from pop-ups
  16. RecoverFromBrowserFileName: Mention name of file which recover from browser
  17. LogFileName: Mention Name of the file where the logs to be created
  18. LogDestinationFolder: Mention the path where log/reports are to be generated
  19. ManagerType: Mention the test management source systems (E.g. File System, MTM, XStudio)
  20. TimeFormat: Mention the time format (E.g. : hh:mm:ss tt)
  21. DateFormat: Mention the date format (E.g. : MM/dd/yyyy)
  22. DateTimeFormat: Mention the date-time format (E.g. : dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss)
  23. CompanyLogo: Mention the full path with filename of the image to be used as the logo in report/log
  24. FailedCountForExit: Refers to the maximum number of consecutive steps that can fail before the execution is terminated. Use 0 for no limit.
  25. EndExecutionWaitRequired: Mention whether to wait or not for user response after execution of the test
  26. DBTestDataLocation: Mention the location of Database Test data
  27. DBConnectionString: Mention Database connection string if test need Database Access
  28. DefaultDb: Mention the default db to work with (default is write mode)
  29. DBServer: Default database server name
  30. DBQueryFilePath: Mention the path of file in which database queries are stored
  31. DebugMode: It highlights each and every step at run time. Its value can be given as true or false.
  32. ErrorCaptureAs: It determines whether the page at which error has occurred should be captured in the form of an image or HTML file
  33. Environment: Mention the environment of test execution
  34. EnvironmentSetupBatch: Name of the batch file required for fulfilling certain pre-conditions before the execution of the test cases
  35. TestCaseIDSeperator: Mention the test case id separator
  36. TestCaseIDParameter: This parameter determines test case file name
  37. SnapshotOption: Specify when to take snapshot
  38. RunRemoteExecution: It determines whether the automation should run on a remote machine or not
  39. RunOnRemoteBrowserUrl: Specifies the URL of the remote machine at which the execution should be carried out
  40. EmailNotification: This parameter determines whether to send email notification or not
  41. EmailNotificationFrom: This parameter determines the email id of the sender
  42. EmailSMTPServer: It mention SMTP mail server (E.g. Smtp.gmail.com)
  43. EmailSMTPPort: It mention SMTP Port number
  44. EmailSMTPUsername: Mention SMTP username for authentication
  45. EmailSMTPPassword: Mention SMTP password for authentication.
  46. EmailStartTemplate: This parameter mentions the location of start template file. This template is used to create email at the start of test
  47. EmailEndTemplate: This parameter mentions the location of end template file. This template is used to create email at the end of test
  48. TestMode: This parameter determines the environment name. Default environment is ā€˜Controlā€™. This is for A/B mode
  49. CloseBrowserOnCompletion: This parameter determines whether to close the browser after execution of the test or not. Its value is given as true or false
  50. FirefoxProfilePath: Mention the location of Firefox profile. Firefox saves user preferred information such as caches, passwords, certificate etc in a set of files called profile, which is stored in a separate location from the Firefox program files. User can have multiple Firefox profiles, each containing a separate set of information. User can use these saved profiles while executing the test cases, in order to execute the re-usable existing profiles. Apart from this, users have an option whether to use the existing profiles or would like to create a profile
  51. AddonsPath: It determines the path where Firefox addons are saved
  52. ApplicationURL: Mention the URL of web application you want to test. If URL is not given in data section of test-flow sheet then KRYPTON Engine use this parameter
  53. ObjectTimeout: Mention waiting time in seconds for an object to appear on web page. If object is not present after the wait time completed, then it raise exception that object not found
  54. GlobalTimeout: Mention the waiting time for all the actions to be performed before timeout
  55. MaxTimeoutForPageLoad: It determines the maximum time required for a web page to load
  56. MinTimeoutForPageLoad: It determines the minimum time required for a web page to load
  57. RecoveryCount: Mention the number of times recovery can be done
  58. ListOfUniqueCharacters: “a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e”, “f”, “g”, “h”, “i”, “j”, “k”, “l”, “m”, “n”, “o”, “p”, “q”,”r”, “s”, “t”, “u”, “v”, “w”, “x”, “y”, “z”